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Set individual keys in a configuration file


set_config(pairs = NULL, create = FALSE, path = ".", write = FALSE)



a named character vector with keys as the names and the new values as the contents


if TRUE, any new values in pairs will be created and appended; defaults to FALSE, which prevents typos from sneaking in. single key-pair values currently supported.


path to the lesson. Defaults to the current directory.


if TRUE, the schedule will overwrite the schedule in the current file.


This function deals strictly with keypairs in the yaml. For lists, see set_dropdown().

Default Keypairs Known by Sandpaper

When you create a new lesson in sandpaper, there are a set of default keypairs that are pre-filled. To make sure contact information and links in the footer are accurate, please modify these values.

  • carpentry [character] one of cp, dc, swc, lab, incubator

  • title [character] the lesson title (e.g. 'Introduction to R for Plant Pathologists'

  • created [character] Date in ISO 8601 format (e.g. '2021-02-09')

  • keywords [character] comma-separated list (e.g 'static site, R, tidyverse')

  • life_cycle [character] one of pre-alpha, alpha, beta, stable

  • license [character] a license for the lesson (e.g. 'CC-BY 4.0')

  • source [character] the source repository URL

  • branch [character] the default branch (e.g. 'main')

  • contact [character] an email address of who to contact for more information about the lesson

Optional Keypairs Known by Sandpaper

The following keypairs are known by sandpaper, but are optional:

  • url [character] custom URL if you are deploying to a URL that is not the default github pages io domain.

  • fail_on_error [boolean] for R Markdown lessons; fail the build if any chunks produce an error. Use #| error: true in chunk options to allow the error to be displayed

  • workbench-beta yes [boolean] if truthy, this displays a banner on the site that indicates the site is in the workbench beta phase.

As the workbench becomes more developed, some of these optional keys may disappear.

Custom Engines

To use a specific version of sandpaper or varnish locally, you would install them using remotes::install_github("carpentries/sandpaper@VERSION") syntax, but to provision these versions on GitHub, you can provision these in the config.yaml file:

  • sandpaper [character] github string or version number of sandpaper version to use

  • varnish [character] github string or version number of varnish version to use

For example, if you had forked your own version of varnish to modify the colourscheme, you could use:

varnish: MYACCOUNT/varnish

If there is a specific branch of sandpaper or varnish that is being tested, and you want to test it on your lesson temporarily, you could use the @ symbol to refer to the specific branch or commit to use:

sandpaper: carpentries/sandpaper@BRANCH-NAME
varnish: carpentries/varnish@BRANCH-name


if (FALSE) {
tmp <- tempfile()
create_lesson(tmp, "test lesson")
# Change the title and License
set_config(c(title = "Absolutely Free Lesson", license = "CC0"), 
  path = tmp,
  write = TRUE