
Last updated on 2024-06-18 | Edit this page

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Course Registration

We would firstly likely to extend our warmest welcome to you, and thank you for choosing the L2D course to empower you with valuable skills in Python programming, data science and machine learning: developed by life scientists, for life scientists.

In order to get started, you will need to register yourself for a GitHub account. Our administrators will then issue you with a Google Form for us to collect your GitHub handles, and we will follow shortly with an invitation requesting that you join a GitHub Organisation for the current cohort of learners.

Once this has been set up, please keep a note of your GitHub login details, as these will be used throughout your L2D course to access materials, submit assignments and interact with academics and fellow learners.


Owned by Microsoft, GitHub is an international community-based organisation that provides a suite of facilities to create, edit, share and publish code. At L2D, we have made a conscious decision to employ GitHub’s infrastructure within our course, in order to initiate new users into the world of GitHub so that – should you continue to explore coding further after the course – you will already be familiar with one of the leading, internationally-recognised platforms and standards for programmers and coders, across the world. This also facilitates enjoining in our community of L2D learners and tutors via GitHub Discussions: a forum for posting questions, sharing ideas and new findings. We also make use of GitHub Classroom: an arm of GitHub Education that allows us to manage your learning journey on L2D.