Summary and Schedule

In this section we will focus on the datasets being used in the lesson.

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.

Data Sets - Data Frames

Please download the data zip file and unzip it to your Desktop. It contains:

The code assumes a path to the data files as ‘/data/…’ or ‘...’, respectively. Please create a subfolder called ‘data’ in your current directory and put the data files in it.

Please download the fig zip file and unzip it to your Desktop. It contains:

Data Sets - Image Handling

To include the figures in your notebook, please create a subfolder called ‘figs’ in your current directory and put the figure files in it. You can check the pdf of the notebook for reference.

Data Sets - Time Series

Please download the data zip file for topic time series and unzip it to the folder where your notebook is. It contains: